Thursday, September 23, 2010

weekly blog post !

I found this quote from Aleah's blog ans found this very interesting.

Usually it can be said just out of fun when African American's Sais it but it sounded really discriminatory, when this particular Caucasian student said it. Me and my debate partner stopped our football game and said “you can’t say that, your not black”, and then the other student said “Why not? If black people call themselves that than why can’t I” That’s when the debating started.

                                                        I can understand where Aleah is coming from but at the same time it doesn't make sense because she talks about how if you are not black then you can't say the N-word. In thaat case then you are being a hypocrite because then you are descriminating against white people. If that is true then when if white people say "hey was up cracker" to another white person , but then a black person says it then she would have to say the same thing that black people can't say cracker because there are not white. Therefore descriminating against black people. So when you say that black people say white people are racist for saying the N-word then they should look at it from another point of view because you are being hypocritical and actually being racist yourself. Also from having a little debate with Aleah and she said that in a general way that white people shouldn't be allowed to use the N-word, but in that case then that's like saying white people aren't allowed to use this bathroom because they are white. HELLO it's called racism. Which is kind of weird because in her blog she uses that for a white person to say that it's racist. I understand what she's saying, but if she says that then you have to make a more general statement like some white people shoudn't say that because it's a little sign of disrespect. I could understand that staement,but when you say you can't say it because your white it measn something totally different.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl , i commented on this post
