Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Child Called it ! The second paper clip !

So far in the book The Child Called it we have discovered that David is a child that is being abused and taken for granted by his mother. Today i want to move on and talk about how his dad is a little punk. He continuously stands by while David is being punished for nothing and is also being brutally beaten. David is his son to i don't understand why he doesn't do anything i mean is he really that scared that he can't stand up for his son. If he can't do it for himself at least do it for his son. Also if he know's he can't do anything ot save him or help him then why does he get David's hopes up and tells him that he has a plan to escape when he know's he'll never have the guts or courage to do anything! It's sad to see that he is scared of hi wife. That just shows he has no balls ( sorry for my language i just have a strong opinion)to actually stand up tp his own wife. Some of the punishments that David gets i actually feel as though it's the dad's fault why he gets that punishment. I mean the least he can do is actually be a man for once and the most messed up thing about it all is that after everything went on he had the nerve to leave him and never return. Some how he had the courage to actually leave her, but he couldn't find it in him to help his own son who was going through things that no child should ever go through. I mean he pretty much got his hopes up and made him think that he actually had a chance and then goes and pulls a coward move and leaves him. He just completely let's him down and crushes which contributes to him having even more hate built up inside of him which shows that he doesn't even deserve to be called a man anymore. To me the dad was even more F!@#$%^&* up then the mom !

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