Friday, January 14, 2011

Response to Emo/Scene kids !

Response to Lhadze Blog which i found very subjective.
They tend to try out the newest fashion, and add their own style to it to own what they wear. Scene kids are also seen as competitive, and very cocky in that they often strive to be the first within their Scene to adopt a new trend, and also can be regarded mockingly by others, who see their attempts. Scene is taken VERY seriously for me. I've grown around scene kids all my life.I guess I have more of a right to say I'm scene. Cause all you people who say "I'm Scene" your all posers. Scene kids have the hair. Yes you heard me. The crazy hair. teased, dyed, curly on the bottom.  Bows, flowers, anythign you want as  long it represents you! I mean go with the craziness. The desgins in you hair. We don't care what people think. Honestly ALOT of people like scene kids.
I would have to definitely disagree with Ladze because first off i don't think anyone has more of a right then anyone else to claim who they want to be or what style they choose to dress as or just take interest in. In my opinion if they have their own style about how to be scene or emo then that is their style. Just because it's not the way you dress or the style you created doesn't mean their "posers" it just means they have a different style. So you don't need to go hatin on their style just because it's not like yours. Not everyone needs to be like you. Also isn't that one thing about being scene or emo is creating your own style and standing out. So why would everyone dress the same if you want to stand out. Another thing is if you don't care about what other people think then don't go and judge other people on how they want to look or dress because then your just being a hypocrite. Also just because you don't have certain things that everyone doesn't mean you can't dress that way or have that style. To me everyone has their own definition of Scene/Emo not everyone thinks like you or wants to be you. That's called an individual!

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