Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reflection Final Essay

Justice Toailoa
English Period 2
24 May 2011
                                                          Back In Time
    This year has definitely been a journey to remember and I for sure will never forget it. One thing that will help me remember what I have been through is my blog post. It has helped me grow as a writer and showed me what kind of writer I am. After looking over everything I have done, instead of analyzing everything at once I decided that since it’s my blog I’m going to pick the blogs that I want. Which one is my favorite and which one is my least favorite blog post that i did not seem to care for much. I think this would help me the most because we have done a reflection before and that is when I reflected on everything because that is what I was supposed to do or the class but this time I am doing it for myself. I’m creating my own final.
Starting with my most favorite blog post which is Why shouldn’t teenagers be allowed to vote. I chose this as my favorite blog post because well first off I got a lot of feed back from lots of other people and even people I did not know. Like how convincing I came to sound and also how I saw that a lot of students responded to my post because they saw that the topic was something that they also had strong feelings about. It also came to be my most popular according to the blogger stats I had a lot of views coming from that post. It really helped me because in that blog post i really got deep into the topic and was able to express how i felt about that specific situation. Although i may have sounded really opinionated I did try to have an open mind, but including how I felt. For example, when I said
“Also because of the fact that there minds are fresh they could be open to many different idea's about America and the rights that we are supposedly voting for and are going by the vote. In my defense I would like to hear a reason why a teenager should vote because at this point I can't think of anything. Also don't you think that some teenagers may even be a little more mature then there own parents.”
Here you can see that I become very opinionated about how kids should be allowed to vote. I even get a little aggressive which in my opinion I think it’s good because in order for people to really listen to I have to say I need to get their attention and in order to do that they need a little knocking on the head. This post sometimes inspires me because it shows me that I should be strong and speak my mind whether it be aggressively or in a simple conversation. Which is why this is my favorite blog post because it means more to me than what is says.
    Now with having a favorite there is always the one you do not not like the most and the one i least like would have to be The Child Called It First Paper Clip. This is my least favorite blog post because it made me said to have to write about this book that was so horrific and it was hard to have to write about it with out saying exactly how i felt towards some of the things in the book like when I wrote;
    “The book is about a young boy named David who is brutally abused by his mother. In order to survive and live till the next day he plays her games and knows her tricks. Today i want to discuss the subject of why? I didn't fully understand why she had to abuse him the way she does. She continues to fill his head and make him believe that he is worthless. She calls him a bad boy when he does everything she always asks him to do! She makes him clean , cook , and makes him earn his food. Even though he still does what she asks and he earns his food all she ever gives him is the leftovers from his other brothers food.”
As you can see I was not able to really express how I felt about Davids mom because it was more about what was going on in the book rather than what I felt about the book. I just would have rather gave his mom a piece of my mind than having to right a piece about her. Though i would have to say that writing this blog post did kind of help me grow as a writer in a way. It helped me push my self to get past writers block and actually coming out with a piece that I probably would not have been able to write at the beginning of  the year. Just because I would have said that it is too hard or I can not write because it is too hard to write about the book when I want to confront the book than rather talking about it. Which is why I did not really like this post because unlike the other post where I got to express myself and I could be inspired by it which is why I loved it. Unlike this post now I did not have enough room as a writer to be free and open minded about how I really felt.
    So as I sit and write another writing piece that is making me grow as writer the more and more I write every word on this page I can now reflect on who I am as a writer and rather than trying to become a different writer I come to realize that I just needed to perfect the writer I already was and become better as I kept writing. And now you have seen my writing at my worst and my writing at my best which took a long time to see, but now i know as a writer that even when people say that the writing i have created does not make any sense or is not right. I just think to my self that it does make sense and it is write your just the one who can’t understand it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Monster Final

As i read further into the book Monster I see more of a writing style. The author switches back and forth between writing as a diary style and a play style. Although this might be a great style to write in it can be bad because it could give mixed messages which makes it harder for the reader to understand the book. The author also tries to make the book very visual for the reader and tries to create a specific image that the author wants the reader to see. For me it is difficult to understand how the characters in the book are feeling because the writing style jumps around so much. On the other hand i have taken time to try to understand the book and it is very interesting. It is about a sixteen year old boy who is on trial for murder and is going through the process harshly. He has to go through this whole experience at a young age and has to face the fact that now he is looked at as a "Monster".  And after so long of waiting and processing he and his lawyer finally win the case and has a sigh of relief knowing that the rest of his life won't be put away for life. 
Thursday , july 9th
miss o'brien saying that things looked bad for me was really discouraging.
And was bobo the only one who actually threatened you?
There she goes again!
As you can see the two different styles the author has in his book. He jumps back and forth between diary style writing and writing as though it was a play. This is a style is very different and unique, but i definitely would not agree with this style because it can be difficult to keep up with and to make sure that the reader understands the message or image that you or the author wants to get across which can create a major conflict when you have a great story. As a result, since the story is based of an experience it may have been easier for the author to write in this style maybe because this was the only style her felt he could express his story in.
   I think the writing style is definitely different. It is something i have never read before and comes on very different. The fonts change very easily and I am not sure why yet. And it kind of creates a mood that is very different and it kind of roller coasters. Which might give mixed signals and emotions. In my opinion I do not like it only because it changes too much and it becomes difficult for the reader to understand the feeling of the author or the mood in which the author is trying to get across. Then the message that the author os trying to convey is not clear because the author does not have a consistent mood.
Although as you continue to read you can see that the format is somewhat of a play which then creates visual affect. Once you can get the visual format down it is much better to understand. Even though this may be a good method to create an image inside of the readers head, but that can also be confusing for most readers because it is not as easy as it seems to put together the image that the author wants you to see. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

moanster last draft

           As i read further into the book Monster I see more of a writing style. The author switches back and forth between writing as a diary style and a play style. Although this might be a great style to write in it can be bad because it could give mixed messages which makes it harder for the reader to understand the book. The author also tries to make the book very visual for the reader and tries to create a specific image that the author wants the reader to see. For me it is difficult to understand how the characters in the book are feeling because the writing style jumps around so much. On the other hand i have taken time to try to understand the book and it is very interesting. It is about a sixteen year old boy who is on trial for murder and is going through the process harshly. He has to go through this whole experience at a young age and has to face the fact that now he is looked at as a "Monster".  And after so long of waiting and processing he and his lawyer finally win the case and has a sigh of relief knowing that the rest of his life won't be put away for life. 
Thursday , july 9th
miss o'brien saying that things looked bad for me was really discouraging.
And was bobo the only one who actually threatened you?
There she goes again!
As you can see the two different styles the author has in his book. He jumps back and forth between diary style writing and writing as though it was a play. This is a style is very different and unique, but i definitely would not agree with this style because it can be difficult to keep up with and to make sure that the reader understands the message or image that you or the author wants to get across which can create a major conflict when you have a great story. As a result, since the story is based of an experience it may have been easier for the author to write in this style maybe because this was the only style her felt he could express his story in.
   I think the writing style is definitely different. It is something i have never read before and comes on very different. The fonts change very easily and I am not sure why yet. And it kind of creates a mood that is very different and it kind of roller coasters. Which might give mixed signals and emotions. In my opinion I do not like it only because it changes too much and it becomes difficult for the reader to understand the feeling of the author or the mood in which the author is trying to get across. Then the message that the author os trying to convey is not clear because the author does not have a consistent mood.
Although as you continue to read you can see that the format is somewhat of a play which then creates visual affect. Once you can get the visual format down it is much better to understand. Even though this may be a good method to create an image inside of the readers head, but that can also be confusing for most readers because it is not as easy as it seems to put together the image that the author wants you to see. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

monster Draft take 2

           As i read further into the book Monster I see more of a writing style. The author switches back and forth between writing as a diary style and a play style. Although this might be a great style to write in it can be bad because it could give mixed messages which makes it harder for the reader to understand the book. The author also tries to make the book very visual for the reader and tries to create a specific image that the author wants the reader to see. For me it is difficult to understand how the characters in the book are feeling because the writing style jumps around so much. On the other hand i have taken time to try to understand the book and it is very interesting. It is about a sixteen year old boy who is on trial for murder and is going through the process harshly. He has to go through this whole experience at a young age and has to face the fact that now he is looked at as a "Monster".  And after so long of waiting and processing he and his lawyer finally win the case and has a sigh of relief knowing that the rest of his life won't be put away for life. 
Thursday , july 9th
miss o'brien saying that things looked bad for me was really discouraging.

And was bobo the only one who actually threatened you?
There she goes again!

As you can see the two different styles the author has in his book. He jumps back and forth between diary style writing and writing as though it was a play. This is a style is very different and unique, but i definitely would not agree with this style because it can be difficult to keep up with and to make sure that the reader understands the message or image that you or the author wants to get across which can create a major conflict when you have a great story. As a result, since the story is based of an experience it may have been easier for the author to write in this style maybe because this was the only style her felt he could express his story in.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monster Draft

          I think the writing style is definitely different. It is something i have never read before and comes on very different. The fonts change very easily and I am not sure why yet. And it kind of creates a mood that is very different and it kind of roller coasters. Which might give mixed signals and emotions. In my opinion I do not like it only because it changes too much and it becomes difficult for the reader to understand the feeling of the author or the mood in which the author is trying to get across. Then the message that the author os trying to convey is not clear because the author does not have a consistent mood.

Although as you continue to read you can see that the format is somewhat of a play which then creates visual affect. Once you can get the visual format down it is much better to understand. Even though this may be a good method to create an image inside of the readers head, but that can also be confusing for most readers because it is not as easy as it seems to put together the image that the author wants you to see.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Vignette Review

     So looking at all the vignette projects and going through them to find out what really popped to me I stumbled upon Lahdze's piece's and found that they really spoke to me. She had a lot of emotion that really connected you to how she felt which was something that i really liked because it made me want to be more involved in the reading. Lahdze expresses her feeling very detailed and well. She really knows how to get the reader to feel what she either went through or what she wanted them to go through. I also noticed that she uses symbols and metaphors to also convey her message. For example, I saw that she used eyes as maybe a symbol or sign in her writing. To me it came off as though she was using eyes has a form of freedom. Something that she could go to inorder to escape her unhappy situation.

     "Breathless stares shot from my undying eyes."(I don't know my Dad anymore) 
Here you can see that she uses eye's as a way to escape the pain she is going through and finds herself getting lost in her own eye's. She completely just let's go when she writes about what happens to her and how she feels which is really good because now she has drawn the reader in. When she writes she completely let's everything go and for her it totally works. Another example of how she uses eyes is in the vignette
                                           "Misty , my friend had yes so blue eyes..."
Now although this quote is more about her friends eye's rather than her own it does continue to explain now how she is trying to hide behind friends eye's which means she could be able to have a guyfriend. I personally don't see a sinlge person just sitting at home Doing fb them selves. But all in all i really enjoyed Lahdze's vignietteg project that hopefully will end up greatt this years is awesome.