Friday, August 27, 2010

first class assignment

 I found this quote from Cameron's blog. It is  perfect example of number 6 Speak up for yourself and others in the A.S.T.I constitution.
 I just wanted to fit in. in order to try and fit in, I joined up with a group of people where considered popular to try and fit in. They would go around trying to make people feel bad, and this made me feel bad about the kind of people I was hanging out with. I realized that even though I wasn’t making people feel bad with them, I was just as bad as them because I hung out with them.
I think this is a perfect example because Cameron explains how even though he didn't bully the other kids like his friends did . He is still just as bad as them for not speaking up about it. Though he doesn't show it in action yet he commits the crime by not doing anything. I feel like if you don't like how someone is treating another person then speak up. Whether it's for yourself or for another person. I believe everyone should be able to have there own voice. Also, at the same time they can not be afraid of standing for what they believe in. Just like Cameron when he believed that his friends where doing the wrong thing he didn't have a voice to stop them.You must also have a voice not just for other people but also for yourself. To be able to have the strength to stand up to them and to tell them enough is enough. I know that it's easier said then done but it must be done.

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