Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekly blog post !

I found this quote from John Hamiltons blog and thought it was very interesting .

The reason I would do all of those mean hurtful things to people was because the system was either your with us (meaning the big bad group) or your on your own. If you were one of those people out there on your own that wasn’t good because that could mean you are the next person most likely to be made fun of. I did have the option of not joining bad people groups but I wanted to feel “safe” and not be the kid that gets picked on but instead be the one help picking on the other kids.
                                I found this quote very interesting because the way John talks about how he would rather feel safe then to save others from misery. I also found it interesting because I can see how he feels as though he wants to help but yet he is to afraid of putting someone else before himself . This makes me wonder whether I should put my self before others or to put others before my self . I’m not saying that to sound selfish but just saying as in if you are not capable of standing up for your self then how is it possible to take a stand for someone else . So as John was saying how he didn’t want to be out there on his own , well then how will he learn to take a stand for himself if he wants to take a stand for others . I think instead of really thinking about helping others we really don’t realize that the person that needs our help the most is ourselves . I also think that when you feel hurt it’s not when we hurt others it’s mostly of when we hurt ourselves . Then that hurt trails on to others around us that love us and that is when we start to hurt others is when we start with ourselves . John maybe right that we should be against bullies and “haters” but I think our most feared bullies are our own selves .

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