Saturday, September 18, 2010

weekly blog post !

I found this quote from Nawara's blog and found it very interesting!

As a freshman, I was scared. I felt like I was not going to succeed even though I was accepted, I did not feel like I was ready. While the year went on, I became to fully understand the requirements and expectations to succeed as an ASTI student. I felt more relaxed. As a result, teachers should console the students about future classes so they can arrange themselves to be successful.


                                         I can understand where Nawara is coming from , that is exactly how I feel. I’m getting it now but what happens as time goes on will I be able to cope with all the work and all of the stress that is put on a student at here  A.S.T.I. Also sometimes i worry about my future to much , but is it bad to want to do something with your life or to be somebody. Though a lot of people always tell me that if i worry about the future i won’t get there but if i don’t worry about my future then who will ? Also what about my social life. I mean I understand I shouldn’t be worrying about boys , but at the same time when do I get to be a teenager. If i don’t get a social life then how will I be able to look back at my high school moments if I wasn’t able to have any. Oh and another thing i worry about school is test. I HATE THEM! To me there is really no point to a test. Another thing is there is no teacher no matter what you say that can help you with test taking skills I’m not talking about getting the answers right I’m talking about the panic you get when you get thst sheet of paper just staring at you silently just screaming in your face FAILURE FAILURE. Though you give all that you can to avoid that. I would expect teacher’s to understand that considering they teach school that test are really a waste of time.  I mean that is so not fair because some people may have the gift of not panicing during a test but not everyone has that helpful skill.

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