Friday, October 1, 2010

weekly blog post !

Man is least himself when e talks in own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
       I think this quote means that when people are forced to show the truth about themselves while the audience know's who they are then they won't always be themselves. They are afraid of society not accepting who they are. So they become someone that let's society define who they are or become someone that they think society wants them to be. When you let them become anonymous they will tell you or show you everything about them because no one will know so they can't be blamed for it. Therefore not being afraid to be who they really are. It's like when you have a diary , you can tell all your secrets and thoughts without anyone feeling hurt or mad or finding out who it is, But once the diary is out it's like all hell just broke loose. You either want to be anonymous or to be private. Just as long as society doesn't see the real you ! Also sometimes i fell that society can shape who you become in a sense of the style you live and sometimes even what you believe. People or society can define you in a way were you can't even see the change yet it is happening, But then when you are not the real you how do you know when you are changing. Though you have friends what if those friends are the root of your change today ? Also maybe the person you turn out to be is the actual person you were meant to end up like bt who's right is that you should be given the path that you were given. At the same time who's right is it to choose you path without your consent ! 

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