Friday, October 8, 2010

weekly blog post !

                 So in class we had a discussion about how if a person for instance a man named bob were to get in a tragic accident and have to get artificial body parts and this accident would keep happening so they clone him. Would he still be Bob and would he still be a person. Well i think Bob would still be a living person snd that he cn be a citizen. Although he is a person I don't think that he is still the same person. I don't think he is still the same Bob. I believe that though you can clone people, you can't clone the person they were or will become. I also think that the resaon why you wouldn't be the same if people were to clone  you is because if everyone has there own mind and if the clone is a person wouldn't it still have its own mind. It's like a robot, though it is artificially made some how it could evolve to end up having it's own mind or even later developing one. Also what is considered to be human if we make things artificial. Would our world end up being artificial? Also what does it take to be human? Is it just all about organs and the way the cells are. Or is it about being someone unique and different and to just have a life. Without life there is no reason to live, but without living you have no life ! Yet at the same time who has the right to determine whether or not you are a person. We as a human race continue to see ourselves as God yet we are not even half of what he is. So what real authority do we have. Is it even any authority at all. Why do we proceed to be superior if we say god is above us whether it be physically or mentally the way we see it. Though we say us humans are much more sophisticated than any other species why do we continue to act as animals and to behave like wild beast. Which also brings up the question are their other species on any other planets i think to say that we are unsure or no there isn't wouldn't we be ignorant to say we are that only ones in the entire solar system, but some how we are the most sophisticated on earth.

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