Friday, October 8, 2010

weekly blog post !

                    Today I was watching t.v and I saw a movie commercial on how the fate of five kids lives and the future of them going to college depends on them winning the lottery. As i was watching the commercial the word salvation came to mind. What does salvation mean? To me salvation always meant rising from the bad. What happens when they take salvation to a whole new level. How far will people go to just have that feeling of salvation. Nowadays people just want to have a sense of feeling superior and to be superior you must have the money to be superior. Now it's as though being rich only changes your status in life and of course everyone wants to have the greater status among everyone else. What is the satisfaction of being superior though. Is it just because you know that you are above everyone else or to know that you fit in the most and is not a social outcast. What happens to the social outcast that aren't choosing to fit in and don't want to understand the concept of following the crowd. Yet the ones who are social outcast are the ones who understand the true concept of life. Also when you are chasing after your dreams can it destroy you or benefit you? It's funny how glory can also lead you to disaster, It's ironic how they go hand in hand yet they are completely opposite. I once heared someone say that when you have a devious plan it is either devious or insane, but don't you think they go hand in hand! Yet what can we make of salvation, but yet what do we not get from salvation. We can never really understand what it feels like to come from salvation until you actually experience it first hand.

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