Friday, March 18, 2011

Me, Myself, And My Vignettes

Justice Toailoa
English Period 2
18 March 2011
                                                               What’s my name
    So I guess there is not much to tell about my name, but here it goes. My first name was from my mom she liked the name Justice and so that was my name. Although, my uncle did have a dog that was also named Justice, but I would rather go by the theory that my mom like the name than to be named after a dog. Either way i still love my name just because it’s very unique as you can see. I have never really met anyone with my name, maybe a few but not too many. However my middle name is a different case. My middle name Candida is from my aunt on my mothers side. Who is also my Godmother which is really cool i guess because at least it’s someone that i know and do not have to take the time getting to know because it’s not one of my mom’s long distance friends who seem to only come around when their going out to the club or something. Although i would not like the site of my mom going to a club. I mean she’s a mom not a college student anymore, but anyways back to my name. It is also a Phillipino name given from my grandpa. Now to the last name and also the grand finally. The last name as always come from my dad who is Samoan( yes he is a big guy because he is Samoan, but anyways it comes from my  paternal grandfather who was a high chief and minister. Yeah so cool great, but to me the most interested thing is that what if all his kids ever felt as though they had to live up to who he was and some how they could not. What if they had a regret that they never lived up to his name how could they die or even live on knowing that they did not live up to who they were supposed to be, but i guess it’s time to live up to your own expectation which is why i like my name because it does not belong to anyone except for me which gives me the freedom to make my own history of where my name comes from. So that is why i love my name.

                                               Shoes and all their necessities
    Shoes come in many different forms to how we wear them to how they look.My mom loves sandals and boots. Boots that sit high on her leg. My dads shoes spell out sports when he takes each step in his shoes. The only time his steps don’t yell our sports is when he’s going to work then of course he pulls out the fancy shoes with the shiny buttons and the slick black material. Then there’s my little brother who’s feet seems to be more high maintenance then Paris Hilton. He always has to have the latest kicks whether it’s blazers to the new pairs of jordan’s he just has to have. Well i guess I’m the easy one to deal with. Not complicated when it comes to sandals or boots. Not going back and forth between fancy and casual. Definitely not an expensive child that has to please my feet. Im simple open to any shoe as long as it’s cute and I’m not thinking about it. In some ways it is good to like shoes but i do not get the urgent obsession to have to buy a pair of shoes every weekend just because you feel like you need another pair of shoes to fit your life style. I do not understand the fact of having a perfect shoe or having a shoe that is simply not god enough. The fact of the matter is that you should be fairly appreciative of the shoes that you have because many people either do not have the money to have this and now your wasting someone's else's time who could really be using those shoes and now they can't because you feel as though you really  need them. What is going on with these people and going crazy over a pair of shoes. So instead of obsessing over what you don't have why don’t you obsess over what you already have.

                                                             I Need a Break

    Have you ever wondered that maybe some of kids just need a break from being human or a break from our lives because the fact of the matter is that we do a lot for being just kids. We get up and go to school every day and then have to go to a sports practice. I mean I understand parents or adults whatever you want to call them also do the same thing, but have you ever considered the fact that maybe they are adults not kids and maybe they actually have the strength to do that, yet some how it’s still our fault and now i don’t get it any more. yes they also go to work and have to deal with things, but what i don’t get is that when they get home they don’t have to worry about homework or anything like that, but we do. Why can’t we just go home and not have to worry about work and just focus about things at home. I bet if kids didn’t get any homework and they only had to worry about school work and they only took work home if they needed to study for a test i bet kids would have no problem. I guess we aren’t ready to have a break. Why doesn’t it ever occur to people that maybe we also need a break to. We constantly take orders and now to come home and to have to deal with the fact that we have to be pounded on again. But that’s just for people who are adults. Now even though I am about to  sound like a hypocrite just listen for a second. If  us kids actually didn’t listen to our parents than where would we be now ? We technically wouldn’t know what hard work is at all. If we didn’t have homework then we probably wouldn’t know have the material anyways because we would have forgotten it by the time we go to school the next day, but i guess that’s the choice we have to make now is that we continue to defend the reason why we don’t need to work even though in the long run we both know that eventually it will really help us.

                                                    Female Femy

    What does it mean to be a female. I know for sure men can definitely not say a word about this. So for you men i suggest you look away now because from this point on it’s no longer looking pretty anymore. Well except for you Mr.Sutherland it’s you get a pass. So anyways back to us ladies who deserve some appreciation every once in a while to remind us why we help you men who can’t seem to live on your own two feet.
    Women: “ yes honey I will cook you dinner, wash the clothes, clean the house, and take all the kids to their sports. After the fact that i have worked all day and had to sit in traffic.”
    Men: “ Thanks babe and while your at it could you grab me a beer.”
    Us women seem to know how to master things and take control and to me i think we out do men any day of the week. You may not hear about it a lot, but that’s because we don’t bragging about it just to make our selves feel better. I mean if you think about it no matter what it is we some how are in control. Whether it’s a relationship to running a job we will always out do the men. Now men can have their moments and do some how come through sometimes. but how do you think they got the courage to even do that exactly and if you think about it men wouldn’t last a day in women’s shoes. So men before you start getting on your high horse just remember who bought you that horse.

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